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New year: new salmon and prospector pan recipe in THE TIMES

Saturday’s Times magazine featured 6 recipes by Tony Turnbull using smoked salmon, one of the most popular treats on our shopping lists over the festive season. 30.12.2023
“They first started smoking salmon in the East End of London in the late 19th century, when the Jewish community applied east European preserving techniques to Scottish salmon — the best of both worlds. Ever since it has been synonymous with luxury and a regular indulgence at this time of year. The best smoked salmon should be eaten unadulterated, without even a squeeze of lemon, to best appreciate its flavour, but sometimes supermarket smoked salmon needs a helping hand, so there is no shame in cooking with it.”
And this is the time of year when we have a fridge stocked with the most indulgent ingredients and leftovers, those that you really cannot leave in the fridge until it’s time to throw them away.
Treat your seasonal specials with a little respect; this suggestion from Tony Turnbull for a smoked salmon brunch, sounds just the thing.  And as you can see from Romas Foord’s photo, the Netherton prospector pan is just the thing to cook it in.
"Six easy smoked salmon recipes for New Year’s Eve, The quickest party nibbles — just open a packet"  See all the recipes here in the Times on-line
You can find the Netherton Foundry Prospector Pan used in this recipe here.

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