We've hit the Hot List: Gurdeep Loyal in Olive Magazine
A very nice man and some beautiful pans

“What a nice man”, we thought when we first met Gurdeep Loyal at Abergavenny Food festival, last September. Gurdeep was hosting a number of the demonstrations in the market hall, and his easy manner and well researched banter were both entertaining and informative, drawing the very best from the chefs on stage. And when we brazenly introduced ourselves, he was charming and genuinely interested in what we do. And that, we thought, was that – chances are we would see him again next year and maybe our paths may cross before then.

But it turns out that that connection would come sooner than we anticipated and like the cringey 1980’s AA advert, he really is a “very nice man”. He is also a very talented man and you can see both his talent and his generosity in January’s edition of Olive magazine – rush out and get your copy now, before it sells out!

As you can see he has included a section on Netherton Foundry in his Homeware section, where he describes how we “craft beautiful pans that will last”. This came as a delightful surprise to us, brightening and warming our January, when the skey are grey and the temperatures biting.

In addition, he talks to our favourite Mexican chef Santiago Lastra, dishes up a recipe for a tantalising sounding soup and champions the culinary highlights of Swansea.
You can subscribe to Olive here. Or buy it at your local newsagent or supermarket.

Gurdeep selected the following Netherton Foundry items to feature in the article: